Four Reasons You Should Become A Welder
May 24th, 2016 / By Eastern College
Are you good with your hands? Do you like creating, designing, and/or repairing things? Welding is a great career for those who desire these sorts of things as key parts of their job experience. It is also a much safer profession now than in the old days. Modern helmets and fume extraction technologies have made a real difference, and more and more welding jobs take place in settings other than just some dim and dingy factory.

Welding offers an excellent first step for those interested in pursuing additional training and education to further their careers.
Here are four great reasons to become a welder:
No University Degree Required
Welding requires a very specific set of skills, but it does not require a university education. While many jobs for workers without such a degree often do not pay well, welding is an exception. Many general welding jobs pay perfectly well. In fact, if you are willing to work in usual places, such as the far north or on an oil rig, or learn deep sea welding, you can earn an extremely healthy paycheque that easily equals or tops someone with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Consistent Demand for Your Services
Welding figures into so many aspects of construction and maintenance, welders are nearly always in demand. The oil, gas, and mining industries are also providing many new opportunities for welders. Want a stable career? Welding ranks high on the list.
With many skilled trades people nearing retirement age, Canada is facing a serious shortage of appropriately trained workers in this area. Look upon welding skills training as an investment in your future.
Work in Places You Never Expected
We mentioned oil rigs and underwater welding, but did you know that welders commonly use their skills as part of race car pit crews? Welders also help to build ships and provide military support. You can even use your welding skills to become an artist on the side.
With the right training and certification, welders can use their talents in any number of enjoyable and rewarding work environments almost anywhere in the world!
Welding Provides an Excellent Stepping Stone
So many jobs these days are lacking in variety and turn out to be dead ends. Once you reach a certain point, there is nowhere left to go. This results in worker boredom and dissatisfaction.
Welding provides an excellent first step for those interesting in continuing their training and education. You can move on to positions in manufacturing/fabrication/repair, inspection, engineering, research, blacksmithery, and teaching.
Welding is both a science and an art form that provides ongoing learning possibilities. Interested in starting off your career as a welder in metal shops, assembly plants, manufacturing, refineries, or the industrial sector? Eastern College’s Welder/Metal Fabricator Program gives students a thorough grounding in the basics of the profession, including the ability to layout, cut, prepare, join, and repair various metals in manufacturing and construction. Over the course of 32 weeks, students receive practical, hands-on training, further supplemented by a 160-hour work placement.
Contact Eastern College now to find out when the next round of welding program classes begins at our Saint John campus!